Key Treatments
“More than 75 research studies involving Redcord have been published to support its role in physical therapy, fitness and sports performance training. Redcord has become the global leader in suspension based therapy exercise. With 25 years of research, development and utilization by physical therapists around the world, Redcord now comprises the most comprehensive collection of suspension exercise equipment and training solutions available in the industry.” – from

Redcord for the Core
Recognizing that CORE muscles of the body are built in layers, it is important to work each of these layers to reduce pain and optimize movement. With Redcord, we are able to activate the deeper levels of the core with small isolated movements that can be activated in suspension.
Once the deep layers are activated, we progress the treatment to include upper and lower extremities to contribute to better functional and everyday movements.
Work the muscles from the inside out.

Redcord for the Neck
Using the suspension system to treat the neck, we are able to isolate and work the muscles in a unique and effective way. By suspending the head, we are able to palpate and assess muscle length, joint movement, and assess for troublesome trigger points. We are also able to activate the deep neck muscles required for stability. With the head supported by the sling, the movement is comfortable with less pain and discomfort.
Also, using the multi-suspension system, we use body weight to effectively strengthen the muscles of the neck.
If you are suffering from injuries or pain from:
- a car accident
- whiplash
- concussion
- poor postural alignment
- headaches
- muscle tightness around the neck and shoulder
Consider Redcord as a new treatment option for persisting symptoms.

Redcord for the Low Back

Redcord for the Hips
The gluteus medius is one of the contributing core muscles of the hip/pelvis region. The gluteus medius(glut med) works in conjunction with other deep hip/pelvic muscles to provide stability for balance and movement. When these muscles are not functioning properly, it can result in hip pain, low back pain, and tightness. With Redcord, we are able to effectively isolate and activate this region of the hip and low back.
Other common symptoms that often arise in conjunction with hip pain include:
- IT Band syndrome
- bursitis
- knee pain
- sciatica
- limping due to pain
Make every step a little easier.

Redcord for the Shoulders
When treating the shoulders, we rule out contributing factors that may be adding to pain. Of these contributing factors, we look at the neck, the thorax, the muscles of the shoulder blade (scapula), and the shoulder proper(rotator cuff). Each of these contributors can be co-treated for effective shoulder treatment with the Redcord.
The scapula is an integral component of the shoulder. The role of the scapula is to provide stability for movement of the arm—the anchor for arm movement. If the scapular base is weak, the result can be, and often is, pain in the shoulder and/or in the neck.
When we treat the shoulders with the Redcord, we address all of these factors that could be contributing to shoulder pain.
Instability training for stability.

Redcord for Neurological Injuries
- Parkinsons
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Strokes
- Multi-traumatic injury
When movement feels good!