About Us

Heather is a physiotherapist with a diverse practice and interests in several areas. Heather has many years of experience as a physiotherapist in Calgary. She has taken numerous post-graduate courses and continues to develop her practice to offer new and innovative treatments for clients. Heather is a certified Gunn IMS practitioner, and resident of the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Therapy. Heather’s latest qualification comes as a Neurac Redcord practitioner, qualifying her to work with clients on the Redcord system.
Heather’s practice in physiotherapy has changed with the advent of the Redcord suspension system. She has dedicated several years to expanding her learning on the Redcord, and now dedicates her practice to primarily treating with this system. Heather is happy to introduce Redcord to the Calgary market as well as introduce her existing and new clients to this innovative assessment and treatment technique.
Heather’s interests that keep her active when not working, include photography and golf.